Monday, May 16, 2011

Test number 1

Doctor wants me to go through a lymph node biopsy to make sure my CLL did not go through Richter's Transformation, which is the process of CLL becoming lymphoma.

Anyway, she referred me to a colleague of hers, a very nice Dr Tay from ENT. He was very polite and patient and just plain nice. Very nice guy. I was too freaked out to really ask him questions and stuff.

Had a local surgery which lasted about 30 min long. Long, gruelling process. I could not feel the pain, just a little soreness and a lot of tucking and BURNING smell.
Now that the anesthetic is over, it is beginning to hurt in a dull, aching manner. I tried lying down in bed to rest, but there was so much pressure from my wound (at my neck area), that is is quite difficult to rest.

I am praying for a speedy recovery for this. It is really irritating me to no ends.

At least this is over and done with.


At 3:23 AM , Blogger imamum!!?? said...

i had actu been followin ur blog since last yr when i chanced upon it while searching for something online.

Was wondering wat happened to you as u've been missin for quite a while.

Glad u decided to go thro transplant and i wish u all the best.

hang in there wonderwoman!

At 4:01 AM , Blogger Fay said...

Thanks! Erm.. when life is good I don't blog so much since I have work and stuff. But when things are down, I need an outlet to kinda record down what I have been through.

Thanks for following my blog!


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