Castor Oil Packs
Hi people,The reason why I am looking for this castor oil is cos it is known that castor oil pack is very good for lymph nodes drainage and stopping of pain and inflammation. I tried it for 3 days already and true enough, my nodes are getting softer and becoming smaller. Slowly, but surely. So this very wonderful thing, I would like to share with all the wonderwomen and supermen out there who has swelling lymph nodes or bad kidney or liver, and would like to try alternative medication.
Extract: " Physiological effects of the castor oil pack include stimulating the liver, increasing eliminations, relieving pain, increasing lymphatic circulation, improving gastrointestinal function, increasing relaxation and reducing inflammation." found here
Another website that talked about castor oil's goodness here
You can get castor oil from Little India, Singapore. I got mine from 124 Dunlop Street. They are really cheap, 100ml, 1.50. And that is enough to last me for a few cycles.
Place a piece of folded (preferably wool) flannel (or old sock) into a foil or glass dish. Soak it well with castor oil and heat it gently to body temperature in the oven.
Choose a quiet time of the day when you can remain undisturbed. Lie down on your bed (which needs to be well protected from oil stains!), place the oil soaked flannel on the swollen nodes, cover it with a piece of plastic and an old towel. It is a good idea to use a heating pad on low heat to keep it warm. Rest like this for about an hour, and "rest" is a key word. Listen to music, meditate or read if it's convenient.
It is recommended that the packs are used three days on / three days off (which counts as one round) for about 3-4 rounds. After that a longer break is necessary before doing further rounds. The dish with the oiled cloth can be kept tightly covered with plastic in between rounds. Refresh the oil if necessary. If you feel discomfort, irritation or repulsion in any way, discontinue.
The idea behind the effectiveness of castor oil (ricinus) is that it is an irritant and the body tries to reject it, (hence it's power as a laxative when taken internally). When used externally it still gets things moving inside, and some lymph nodes respond well and retreat. Some nodes are difficult to shift and a large under arm node often doesn't respond at all. However, the castor oil pack always alleviates pain caused by the swelling.
I will continue using it but will try 6 cycles instead of the 3-4 rounds as some sites mention that 6 cycles will be good. It is sad how such an amazing oil is so difficult to find in Singapore. So if your cancer is causing ur nodes to swell or any part to hurt, u can try it too.
Refrain from using castor oil pack when you are pregnant or menstrating. Castor oil works like a laxative. DO NOT CONSUME! Unless u have constipation, of cos
Hey Fayth,
I'm glad that the castor oil is working well on you. Thank you for sharing these useful information with us. =)
Have a great holiday!
Hello there. What a coincidence to come across your post at the same time that I've been hunting down castor oil for a similar use. I tried every pharmacy & supermarket. Going down to little india this afternoon to get it.
I do not have your condition, however I am sick too and am trying to heal myself my alternative means as there is no cure for my illness. If u dont mind me adding on, I also do rebounding 10 mins a day and body brushing to stimulate lymph flow. If u want more info, i can email u the relevant websites.
take care & blessed year ahead.
Shirin> Please do. May I ask what condition do you have? Does your lymph nodes swell too? Anyway I know a certain condition that will cause water to be stuck in the lymph. A certain kind of massage can clear it. But my doc say such massage will spread the cancerous cells to my other part of body, so is not advisable.
May I have a link to the body brushing and rebounding that you mentioned? anything to make me not look like a chipmunk.
Molly> Does ur condition make ur nodes swell too? I saw from many website that even for inflammation, it works very well too.
I only tried it for 3 days and my nodes are really going down day by day. Very slowly, but surely going down. It's a miracle!
I do not have cancer however, I have auto-immune disease SLE. I have swollen lymph nodes in my armpits & run a low grade fever constantly. It has affected my intestines causing ulcers in my small & large intestines. The doctors tell me, this is just the beginning as it can cause any of my organs to fail. I also have pain on my right side just under my ribs which is where the liver is, altho my CT just showed that my liver was enlarged but doctors said can do nothing abt it.
Here is one of some of the websites I have on hand but there are so many out there. You can try searching rebounding and lymphatic system or body brush and lymphatic system.
BTW, I found castor oil at Mustafa for $7.90 for 250 ml. Finally, I'm ready to start on my castor oil packs. Hope this takes away the pain!
Take care & all the best. Stay strong.
Hi Sharin,
Do u know about the lymph massage thing I am talking about? I have her number if you want. Thanks for all the link, I'm gg to get myself a brush to do the brushing one day. Does it help in making ur lymph nodes go down? Does any of the things you tried work?
I got the castor oil for 2 bucks for a 120ml at mustafa as well. Brother got it for me yesterday. It will work, you just gotta believe in it. All the best.
Do eat supplements too to up ur immune system. I think it works as well.
Sharin> May I ask where did you get ur mini trampoline and your brush for body brushing? And how much did you get ur trampoline and brush for?
Body brush I got from Bodyshop at $19.90. Make sure that its the one with natural bristles & the wooden handle. Use before bathing.
Mini-trampoline or rebounder can be bought at ToysRUs for $50 for small one and $75 for bigger one. If u want a better quality one, they are available at Sports Shops like AIBI or for abt $138.
Is the massage lymphatic drainage? I didnt want to do it coz I thot it might be too forceful & not good for the body. Better to get the lymph flow moving naturally & let body heal itself.
I think the brushing & rebounding is working. I read that one sign is that your poo will get really yucky and gooey coz that's a sign that it's depositing lymph. And that's been happening. Dont forget there lots of lmmph nodes inside that we cant see and our body heals from inside out.
BTW, what sort of supplements do u take? I dont take any other than fish oil & Vit C at the moment coz everyting else makes me really nauseous. Pls let me know what u take. Thx.
hi sharin, may I know which trampoline you bought? I am tempted to get the toys r us one for the price but is it durable?
As for supplements, i take lingzhi, green tea and a standard set of anti oxidant. My brother works in pharmaceutical related field and is able to provide me with the supplements. I am not sure if it works but my immune system has been still pretty fine.
BTW my email is Do email me to talk. Cos I think you can gimme a lot of pointers for lympatic drainage. Thank you in advance!
That's not for msn so dun add tt add to msn. :)
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