Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Price of living

Young people...because they are young, they think they have all the time in the world to burn their life....thus they indulge in vices. Smoking....drinking... not eating well....

You will never know the price of living...till something happened.
It's a revelation that comes within...when you realise that life is fragile and short.

The price of living...is not to be weighed by money.

No fame nor status can buy you Life.

For death..is the only equalizer in the world, no matter how rich you are or how powerful you are. Nothing...NOTHING can buy you life.

It is morbid, but...remember that doctor that died in his sleep?

I pity his wife... so sudden... She must be shocked

But...I really envy him.
If I can choose the method of death...
I wish to die in my dreams.


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