Friday, June 22, 2007

Murphy's Law

A friend of mine told me that the more you don't plan for the future, the more likely it is for you to live long. It's Murphy's Law. For people who always believe "life is short, just spend all the money I earn" will live a very long life, while people who save and make plans for their life don't live very long. haha.

On another note, I realise there are people in life that you have to discount 30% of whatever they say. My boss is one of them. Damn good sales man.
I would appreciate people being more sincere then to always sales talk people like all the time.
It's irritating. The world is a money battle field for them and everyone has a "make use of" value to them. I don't like how it work for these people.

I really had been more anti-social, I feel. I am too lazy to meet up with friends, too lazy to ask people out. I used to do that all the time. i wonder why the change. HB said that it's because I have finally yearn to just settle down to lead a monotonous life, and not flutter around like before. Hmm, is that so? It's true that I used to burn my life away, always thinking that life's short and youth is short, you should just try out everything. I think now, I would just try out everything that make me happy and not unhealthy.

Well, ZY has been really patient with me. I was really on an emotional roller coaster these few days and she was handling me well.

I really need to find alternatives to my current situation.


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