Ah, I had quitted. Feel so much better than 3 weeks ago. Swells gets smaller then bigger again. Doc said that my body immune system is trying to fight the cancer, so it's good when it gets smaller.White blood cells is creeping up slowly.
It's almost a year since I went for my op. I am happy to say I SURVIVED 1 YEAR!
I wish I can survived many many years to come.
At times I still wonder why I get this dreadful condition. But I am also trying to enjoy what I do as much as possible.
Totally focusing on my hobby and it can be pretty fun.
Only prob is, I need a job, again. Waitin for companies to get back to me.
Pray that I get a job soon. I wanna be earning $$.
How are you getting on? :) My name is Molly. I came to know about your site thru' xiaodoudou's blog.
I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in Dec 05' when I was 30 year old. I'm still battling with the sickness as I recently had a relapse.
I love the way you wrote, "Cancer always happen to people who are very strong. They happen to people who are positive, who are cheerful, who are optimistic."
Your words were so strong and encouraging and I'm most certain that you are also a strong fighter!
Few months ago, I started a blog - www.WeAreWonderWomen.com to share my cancer journey and spread awareness for female-related cancer. Do visit my blog if you have the time.
Take care and GOD bless!
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