Monday, June 25, 2007

Buddhist Perspective

Everyone has to die, it is just a matter of when. Some people died at the age of 70, some died at the age of 7. No matter how rich or poor you are, how famous or infamous you are, death is inevitable for all. And what makes death difficult to accept is this longing for the material and intangible things in this world. Our family, our loved ones, our house, our car, our achievements, our career.

And if you are able to look pass all these, to forgo all these, to lift the weight of all these yearnings and desires from your shoulders, then perhaps death is just part and parcel of life and it is more acceptable.

That perhaps if I can look past the fact that I am still young, that I have a future ahead, loved ones to protect and to care for. Then maybe I would not be so affected by my condition and what lies ahead.

it is not easy, cos to reach there would mean to reach a state of enlightenment.

But when I think it in a Buddhist perspective, death is not such a scary thing anymore.

I should go to bright hill to meditate. I think it is really good for my mind. Must move my lazy ass.


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