Monday, July 23, 2007


Ah, I had quitted. Feel so much better than 3 weeks ago. Swells gets smaller then bigger again. Doc said that my body immune system is trying to fight the cancer, so it's good when it gets smaller.
White blood cells is creeping up slowly.

It's almost a year since I went for my op. I am happy to say I SURVIVED 1 YEAR!

I wish I can survived many many years to come.

At times I still wonder why I get this dreadful condition. But I am also trying to enjoy what I do as much as possible.

Totally focusing on my hobby and it can be pretty fun.

Only prob is, I need a job, again. Waitin for companies to get back to me.

Pray that I get a job soon. I wanna be earning $$.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Stat boards?

I have resort to sending resumes to civil service.

But I need some advice. People have warn me not to work in stat boards before, cos it's shit job and people there are unfriendly. Is it true?

I also need to send resume out for private sectors. Waiting for Sat papers.

6 resumes sent out (1 last night, 1 tonight). 2 got back.

Hoping to get a better job. praying hard.

Monday, July 02, 2007


XT calls me a baby. I think I've really become such a cry baby.

I dun wanna be baby. I wanna be a hero.

Hero of my own life.

Like those people in Heroes.

Sinking into darkness

I am afraid that I may be slowly sinking into depression.

I feel so trapped I dunno what to do.

Doesn't help when I feel that I am neither here nor there with my job.

And I've been having some downs with my gf, mainly my fault.

And that my mum say that she must have pamper me too much to cause me to can't take hardship or whatever crap that I dun understand at times. Mum needs to be more considerate when she talks.

Nothing has been going well since after my first op.

And I can feel myself slowly sinking into depression.
