Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post number 100!

I MIA! Yes I know. I wonder if anyone thought i am .... *choy*

Anyway, been addicted to some online game and was being an otaku (geek) for the pass few months. Plus work has been hectic, so that explain my disappearance.

But I heard that Molly and Fluer met up and I am sooooo envious! I wanna meet you guys too! That is if you dun mind meeting someone who looks like a hamster due to my swollen nodes. o^_^o

Life's been just as it is. I am glad to be living. Sometimes I sink into depression mode thinking about how I would still be in a working environment that I love though it's sales and there's lots of smoking and drinking. But well, I like smoking and drinking if not extensively.
Life's pleasures has been taken away from me for my survival.

So I can only be a geek. haha.

My mum's going for chinese medicine courses, I think for me. But the text looks hard. O_o

Anyone miss me here?


I doubt ya.

Leave a comment! (Leave those comments of trying to convert me out ya?) =)