Friday, February 27, 2009

I have sore eye this morning

Woke up in a state of panic cos I had sore eye on the right eye. When one had CLL and you been thru chemo, anythings like this scares you. Healthy people with normal immune systems will just see this as a normal infection. But for people with a compromised immune system, a little abnormal synthoms from your body could equates to something serious which could spin out of control to become something fatal. We get jumpy, a lot more jumpy than others about such things.

Anyway, went out late last night for a drink with my ex-colleagues whom I had not met for 2 yrs. My parents are now jumping into conclusions that I

1) had been eating rubbish outside

2) going out till late

thus I got my sore eye.

I on the other hand would try to convince them that it is because of all the germs in SGH that caused this infection. You really had to blame it on something that you cannot avoid AKA going for routine check up in a germs infested environment, than on your own lifestyle. Otherwise they would nag/persuade/coax/hoax you to change your lifestyle. Which at the very moment, I am just trying to lead a normal lifestyle like any other normal adult.

But sometimes it is so hard when you parents keep telling you that you are not a "normal" adult with "normal health".

I am trying very hard not to be different.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Being Practical

Since I was diagnosed with CLL at the age of 25, I know I won't be able to live for a really long time. I presumed I will not pass my 50th birthday. And in a way, the length of my life is not a very big concern now. I just hope that when my time is up, I'll have a rather painless death.

That is the one main thing I wish for now.

Not trying to be pessmistic here. Just being practical about the situation. Being over-optimistic can be even more devastating when the truth hits you